Sustainable Goals for New Year Resolutions

  • Christina Dymiotis
  • 3rd January 2022

2022 is here! And with a New Year comes New Year’s resolutions! While everyone’s goals will be different, we should all have the goal of being more eco-friendly in 2022 for the sake of our planet and human health. Use this new year to create zero waste goals. Transitioning to be more eco-friendly can be overwhelming, but don’t worry, this year set smaller, more reasonable eco-friendly resolutions and put your everything into keeping them. We’ve compiled a list and we hope one or two resonate with you on your journey through 2022 — and every year that follows. 


Start buying reusable products 

Opting for reusable products is one of the best ways to be more environmentally friendly. That’s because using reusable products means you are creating less waste. Unfortunately, not all products we buy are recyclable (even though the packaging might say that) and therefore end up in landfills or oceans. 

Some of the most popular zero-waste reusable alternatives include reusable makeup remover pads, coffee mugs or water bottles, beeswax food wraps, razors, batteries. Another good idea is to always carry a reusable straw, reusable utensils, reusable water bottle and a reusable bagImagine all the money you can save while grocery shopping alone, like most places, charge you for plastic bags now. 



Buy Fewer Clothes – No New Clothes  

 Fast fashion is killing our planet. Not to mention the unethical practices in the industry. What can you do to help? Well, first of all, stop supporting these companies. If you're not ready to jump on the buy nothing new train this year, maybe just start by buying your clothing second hand! Every time you buy something used, you minimise your carbon footprint and support your local economy. You will also begin to save money since secondhand items have a lower price sticker! So start exploring your local charity, thrift and vintage shops today.  

Another zero-waste solution is to create a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe is a closet with only a handful of basics that can be paired together in various ways to create multiple outfits. These items generally include a few basic tees, jeans, a dress and a couple more essentials. The first step is to go through your closets. Find anything you haven’t worn in 6 months and get rid of it. Sell it, give it to friends or donate it. The next step is to see if you can create a capsule wardrobe with what you have left. Feel free to buy an item or two if you need but make sure it’s from ethical companies or second hand. And just like that; you have created a capsule wardrobe that will last for many seasons to come!  

Waste less water 

Conserving water is crucial, we cannot continue to mindlessly waste it. Specifically, conserving water helps preserve our environment because it saves on the energy required to process, clean and distribute water, which then minimises pollution and conserves resources. 


Some ways to cut down on water: 

  • In the bathroom: Take shorter showers  (The average showers use about 8 litres of water per minute), switch to a low-flow showerhead, turn the tap off when brushing teeth 

  • In the kitchen: Invest in an energy-efficient dishwasher but use it on only full loads, soak pots and pans rather than scrubbing them while water runs 

  • In the garden/backyard: Water plants during the coldest part of the day, use drip lines, convert your lawn into eco-friendly landscaping 


Practice Meatless Mondays 

Looking to change your diet in the new year? There are environmental benefits when eating less meat, such as a lower carbon footprint, saving water and fossil fuels, and reducing greenhouse gases. There are also health benefits to eating less meat as it reduces the risk of heart diseases, strokes, obesity, cholesterol, and diabetes.  

Reducing your meat consumption is something everyone can do just by opting out of eating meat one day a week. A great way, of doing this is devoting yourself to Meatless Monday to help lower your carbon footprint. Start exploring some vegetarian recipes and ease into a new diet. 



What eco-friendly lifestyle habits are you adopting in the New Year? You can always kick-start your journey with an eco-friendly re-usable cotton tote bag from BDIBI.  

Save these eco-friendly New Year's resolutions for future reference!